The new EU agreement guarantees green consumpotion, several specific words have more strict policy to use.

In order to avoid misleading consumers with false advertising, the EU has reached an agreement to legislate that these keywords cannot be used indiscriminately, and has also rejected the use of carbon offsets.

To avoid greenwashing, companies will be banned from claiming environmentally friendly starting from 2026:

  1. Without credible environmental data, empty statements must not be used, such as “environmentally friendly”, “natural”, “climate neutral”, “biodegradable”, “eco”.
  2. Cannot use the carbon reduction credits obtain from the carbon offset program to claim products are carbon neutral or low carbon.
  3. Products must be apporved by an approved certification authority before they claim sustainability label.
  4. False repairability claims are prohibited.

In recent years, voluntary carbon markets have emerged to sell the carbon reduction results of other people or other regions. businesses purchase these carbon credits to offset the carbon emissions of their products and then claim carbon neutral or climate neutral.

EU now is sending a strong signal to the voluntary carbon market that “the era of carbon offsets is over.”